This month i've learn to let go. I've learned to make a step forward and leave behind the things and people who don't do me well anymore. It's hard to let go of something you knew all your life but sometimes you just have to.
This month i've learned that there are people out there who share your interest, who share your music and your mind. You know there;s a time in life when you wonder if there's someone out there like you...well there is. Trust me. There is a person just like the way you want them to be. And its the greatest feeling in the world in a moment of emptiness. I call that hope. Hope for better. Hope there are better people. Hope you will find whatever you're looking for, hope to be yourself better.
There are lots of things who can show you the beauty of just have to open your eyes, and remember that feeling that made you belive there's hope. Hope for them, hope for you.
I feel the love. I've let go of some friends, i've let go to bitterness i have nothing. I only have love in my heart, forgiveness, memories, hope and life. I have enough for now. I am so much happier than these past 2 or 3 months just with this, even if then i hade it all.
If God would give me the chance to start all over, to meet new people and be the way i am now, to start something new, to start all over again from zero i would. I would love to. i'll give anything to leave just for a while somewhere where i don't know anyone and be curious again about what's around. Descovering new places and new people, we spin in the same circles for years and no wonder we can't find something new or we wake up in the same place. I would love to live a little while elsewhere. Would be good for the soul.
LIFEISNOWHERE - imagination is more important than knowledge
01 August 2013
21 May 2013
It's meaningless, but you'll have to do it anyway
" You think you have it all, and you find yourself all alone. "
This is what i used to say to myself, it's that idea in your head that you think you have it all, but at the end of the day, it really means nothing. You can love a person and be grateful for him and it's never the same backwards. You think something it's okay and it's working and the next day you realize that you were actually a dumbass because it wasn't . You think that something could work if you make it that way, and then when you put effort in it, it still doesn't work.
You give everything to someone who gives you nothing, you make someone your priority, but nobody thinks ur important to be a priority.
Maybe all my life i will have this problem, maybe i will never change, maybe i will always find something good and believe in it, and crave for it when i see it... Maybe i will always forgive crap that destroys me because i belive there's something greater beyond that, but maybe i will never be forgiven for my mistakes. Maybe i will allways appreciate the good all times at the end of the bads, but some are relying on the bad part only.
God doesn't give what you can't handle. The situation it's like a give beauty and great smells, then you die. Then you're reborned to do the same, then you die. And so on, until you never get to be reborned. And you live behind just beauty and great smells.
You have to do beautifull things, it's not important, not at all, for nobody, but it's important you'll do them.
15 December 2012
love in sense of loving you and peace by being peaceful with
If you want to be in a peaceful state of being, you need to
find the peace which never leaves you, the peace which is the very nature of
the being that you are
If you want to be peaceful you have to let go of being
driven by the mind’s will. The mind is a conglomeration of external
conditioning, and it operates purely through fear of survival. Life on the
other hand is pure intelligence and works in wholeness.
14 December 2012
free from it all ♥
From the moment you give up having expectations and being you just because
that's how you are,and not because you expect others to do the same,
you will be free from it all
Sometimes we say that going with the flow it's the best,just do whatever you feel like it or we tend to punish people for the way they treated us. But on the way we forget how WE are, and we act like OTHERS do, even if it's not us at all. I think you should make only one road and keep going on it, and if someone tends to push you in some way for you to react in a way that it's not you,you should remember your road and keep going on it,with no hesitation.
Your weakness should remain yours. It's not for everybody to know.
You shouldn't expect from the people that surrounds you to be good as you, kind like you, think like you, have same opinion,be strong like you, love like you. It doesn't matter. People are different and it's a good thing. Everyone is for someone.You just shouldn't make your way depending on how they are. From the moment you are on the same page with yourself,and be you every day no matter how many people try to change that, you will feel happiness like you haven't never before, you will be free from it all.
10 December 2012
Do you belive in Christmas? If you don't, sincerly, you are missing a lot. Let me tell you something about Christmas besides that is the time of spending lots of money in the supermarket and you're loosing hours there. After all, some of ur friends are losing time in supermarket just to buy you something to show they are thinking about you.
Do you remeber when was snowing exactly on 24 December? They were saying it is snowing for Santa to know his way,was part of the Christmas magic. Don't think that now if snowing gets you in trouble theres no magic in it. When you see the fisrt snowflake, that is ice, still warms you up and makes you smile. Christmas time should be about caring,love and appreciation. Is the time for you to do some good.To make someone smile, to bright someone's day. Is the time you show ur love, to be kind.
That beautifull city lights that colours our grey city it is beautifull. That tree that is twice bigger than ur house tree, fulled with colorfull stuff and lights, it is beautifull too. I love Christmas, not because i get presents..because i don't get them that much these days. I love it because I can make gifts to people i love. I love it because my fammily is nicer, and we do stuff toghether and making a Christmas tree toughether is spechless.
If you don't belive in Christmas...if you don't keep it alive in ur hearts, what else is there? Easter! oh Easter is full of so much joy. not ! somebody died centuris ago. it's Christmas you guys, and we should open our hearts to it, even if we are older, to pass it on our kids.
I think there so much beauty in the world and we are too blind to see it, or to cocky to notice. There are so many people who forgot how it feels to do no harm at least in Christmas time
I think there so much beauty in the world and we are too blind to see it, or to cocky to notice. There are so many people who forgot how it feels to do no harm at least in Christmas time
11 May 2012
Some have, some not.
We all have a soul to feed. We are born with nothing,totally depending on everything else, we don't have any power to control our life. Years pass by...and we grow. It's not getting easy,it's getting harder. it's hard to be independent. Some have money some not. Some have families some not. Some are important people some are nothing.
You see...we have to get through all of that,some alone,some not. We have to build our self's as a good person. We shouldn't do to others what we hate the most. We have to respect others with same life as ours. We have to learn the law of life the law of friendship and love all alone, by doing mistakes after mistakes. Some are doing big mistakes in life, some not that bad. The point is to just learn our lessons. 'Cause if not,we end up doing again and again same mistakes that matters to others. You see..what you do, affects other peoples to. We have to think about them too, 'cause some are still depending on us.
Think before you do something, don't be selfish human, 'cause makes you not a very good person..
If you have something great sometimes you can be afraid, 'cause great things don't always last,some does, but can not know what kind of greatness is that. So be afraid, 'cause sometimes is afraid, but be brave with your decisions.
16 August 2011
You know that feeling when you think everything is great, and you have everything to be glad, but you're really ignoring your heart?
'Cause it's really heartbreaking.
16 May 2011
Are you who you wanna be?
Imagine yourself 10 years ago. What were your expectations? How did you dreamed it will be?
How you wished to be?
Now look at you now.
Is it everything you wished for?
Are you who you wanna be?
It's pretty strange how many of us became something we didn't wanted to be, or did something that we said we'll never do.
How you wished to be?
Now look at you now.
Is it everything you wished for?
Are you who you wanna be?
It's pretty strange how many of us became something we didn't wanted to be, or did something that we said we'll never do.
17 April 2011
08 February 2011
People always leave

And it's not because i'm a negativist person,or because i don't really believe in the part of "staying around", it's because it is a fact.
And i don't think it's a sad thing. i think it's awfull, painful ...and is a really addiction to most of the people. But in the end, it's okay. Because there's more greatness to happen after every cliche that passed.
With every goodbye, comes along the way a bitter sweet hello.
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